LANDMARK EXTREME IMPROVED FORMULATION Highly productive and persistent mixture for cutting and grazing on adverse sites This diverse range of species persists and performs on adverse sites. It can be cut or grazed Good mid-season potential from all species Ryegrass chosen for good rust resistance and persistence Contains DONATA Cocksfoot, a soft leaved variety that offers persistence and is more palatable than some leading Perennial Ryegrass varieties Now includes FOJTAN Festulolium. This new species is very stress tolerant and combines excellent yield with palatability and disease resistance
18% FOJTAN Festulolium NEW 22% THEGN Late Perennial Ryegrass (Tet) 29% DONATA Cocksfoot 17% LAURA Meadow Fescue 7% WINNETOU Timothy 5% Dual Purpose White Clover Blend 2% Birdsfoot Trefoil 100%
Packed and supplied in 20kg bags Seed Rate 13 to 16kg/acre
The price is calculated per 20kg Bag, To find out price per kg please divide by 20