Specialist mixture that provides a diverse nutritional base to enhance palatability and grazing interest Produces exceptionally dense, easily maintained sward Steady production through the growing season Contains Meadow Grass and Crested Dogstail for extreme wet and dry conditions Herbs for increased mineral uptake and balanced diet Creeping Red Fescue to infill, repair and bind the sward for greater durability Palatable but easily grazed grasses preferred by horses 24% TODDINGTON Late Perennial Ryegrass 13% LAURA Meadow Fescue 10% DONATA Cocksfoot 3% WINNETOU Timothy 3% TENO Small Leaved Timothy 17% Strong Creeping Red Fescue 10% Crested Dogstail 7% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 7% Rough Stalked Meadow Grass 3% Creeping Bent 1% Small Leaved White Clover 2% Mixed Herbs 100% Packed and supplied in 20kg bags Seed Rate 15 to 21kg/acre
The price is calculated per 20kg Bag, To find out price per kg please divide by 20